Click here for our event registrations and other helpful information.
Join us for worship on Sunday at 8:15, 9:45 and 11:15 am in the Sanctuary.  The 9:45 am service will be broadcast live on our Facebook page. To watch The Vine, our online service, please click here.

Serving Wrightsville United Methodist Church

We look forward to resuming these activities when it is safe to do so! For the latest updates CLICK HERE.


Ushers & Greeters

Assigned to a rotating schedule throughout each year, ushers and greeters quickly become the faces of our church on Sunday mornings. Greeters are those who, well, greet everyone as they enter the building. A friendly face and a welcoming smile are the only requirements to serve as a greeter. Ushers help during the worship service by seating individuals arriving after the service has started and by collecting the offering. Contact Donna if you would like to be an usher or a greeter.

Wiggle Worship

The preschool nursery is staffed by two wonderful volunteers each Sunday morning during the 8:15 and 11:15 worship times for children too old for the infant/toddler nursery who choose not to stay in worship. Volunteers usually serve about once per quarter on the rotating schedule. The only requirements are a smile and love of preschoolers; however, good coloring and puzzle skills are a plus. Contact Christina Norvell for more information.

Sunday School Teacher/Substitute

Without Sunday School teachers, our ever-growing program would not have the means to flourish! We love our teachers, but we also love our substitutes who keep the ball rolling when the “regulars” can’t be present. Contact Donna if you would like to be a Sunday School teacher or sub.

Fellowship after Worship

Being able to stay in a spirit of fellowship with one another after worship is such a wonderful thing! The volunteers who provide fellowship goodies each week are a crucial component of making that happen. We provide the coffee and the set-up, you bring the goodies and juice. Volunteers on this rotating schedule serve about three times per year. More details, instruction, and help are always available. Contact Donna if you would like to volunteer for fellowship after worship.

Loaves & Fishes

At the risk of sounding cliché, a casserole often does show you care! Our Loaves and Fishes freezer is located in the Fellowship Hall by the kitchen door and is stocked by volunteers with food that can be taken to people who are in need due to their circumstances. We have a need both for prepared food in the freezer and for people to deliver the food when the occasion arises. If you can make an extra dish or batch of cookies, Loaves and Fishes is a service for you. Please contact Mikki if you are interested in serving with Loaves and Fishes.

Nurture Ministry Team

Interested in being a part of our Nurture Ministry Team?  The various ministries of the Nurture Team include bereavement teams, visitation teams, Loaves and Fishes, and many other opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ – right here in our own congregation.  Contact Mikki Perry, Director of Congregational Care, for more information.

Upcoming Events
